Commutation Search will also use an open-loop current. Commutation Search will use a slightly higher current than Auto-MSET, but instead of locking onto a fixed electrical vector it will fire current at multiple electrical vectors to initially commutate the motor. Like Auto-MSET, this will happen on the first enable after a system reset. Due to firing current at multiple vectors, the motor will move much less (if any) than the Auto-MSET method.
Important parameters:-
- MotorType (in A3200,Ensemble,Soloist)
- CommutationInitializationSetup (in Automation1)
- AutoMsetAngle (this parameter does not exist in Soloist & Ensemble software)
- AutoMsetCurrent
- AutoMsetTime
- FaultMask
MotorType = Specify the type of motor to use.
Info |
These instructions assume that the user has already configured the rest of the parameters. Specifically, the AverageCurrentThreshold must be set up correctly for your motor before continuing. Doing so otherwise could damage the motor. Before changing the following parameters, ensure you are following all warnings listed in the Help File pages for each of these parameters. |
- A3200: Set MotorType to AC Brushless (Auto-MSET)
- Automation1: Set the Initialization Method of CommutationInitializationSetup to Auto-MSET
- Set AutoMsetCurrent to ~40% of the AverageCurrentThreshold parameter. I find this percent value to work best.
- Keep AutoMsetAngle at the default value of 90. There is usually no reason to change this. (this parameter does not exist in Soloist & Ensemble software)
- Set AutoMsetTime to 1000 ms (default value). This value normally always works, so there is usually no reason to change this.
- *
- Remove "Hall Sensor Fault" from the list of axis faults under the FaultMask parameter. Depending on your software version this may not be necessary.
**When you configure for Auto-MSET, the first time you Enable after a system reset could cause the stage to move up to 1/2 of the motor's electrical cycle.
Commutation Search-
- A3200: Set MotorType to AC Brushless (Commutation Search)
- Automation1: Set the Initialization Method of CommutationInitializationSetup to Commutation Search
- Set AutoMsetCurrent to ~70% of the AverageCurrentThreshold parameter.
- Keep AutoMsetAngle at the default value of 90. There is usually no reason to change this. (this parameter does not exist in Soloist & Ensemble software)
- Set AutoMsetTime to 2-3 ms. This lower value is required because the AutoMsetCurrent value is higher.
- *
- Remove "Hall Sensor Fault" from the list of axis faults under the FaultMask parameter. Depending on your software version this may not be necessary.
**When you configure for Commutation Search, the first time you Enable after a system reset some very slight motion may occur during the Enable process. You may also hear a *click* sound. This is normal and caused by the fact that we are using a higher current over a shorter period of time compared to the Auto-MSET method.