Backlash error is inherent in mechanically driven systems, such as ballscrew/leadscrew stages, systems with gearboxes, and belt-driven stages. In newer stages from Aerotech, the effects of backlash may not be large enough to measure or notice. However, as a system ages, backlash generally increases. Some stages also inherently have greater backlash than others. Backlash compensation is available in the A3200, Ensemble, and Soloist controller series. This feature is not available on Automation1.This guide is most useful for older stages that require backlash compensation to remain in working order.
- Connect to the controller in Automation1 Studio.
- Navigate to the Configure tab.
- Navigate to Axes > Motion.
- Under the Calibration category, enter the value you calculated.
- It may be necessary to set the BacklashIirFilter parameter if the backlash compensation accelerations are too great on this axis. This is left to the discretion of the user. See the documentation below.
- Save the parameter changes and Reset the controller as normal.
- Repeat the backlash measurement process and confirm that the correction is appropriate.
Backlash compensation is only active after the axis has been Homed, and is zero at the end of the Home cycle. Backlash direction is dependent on the direction of the final move of the Home cycle; for example, if the final Home move is in the negative direction, only positive moves will use the BacklashDistance parameter.
To add the backlash distance to the parameter file, take the following steps:
Backlash compensation is only active after the axis has been Homed, and is zero at the end of the Home cycle. Backlash direction is dependent on the direction of the final move of the Home cycle; for example, if the final Home move is in the negative direction, only positive moves will use the BacklashDistance parameter.
Ensemble and Soloist
To add the backlash distance to the parameter file, take the following steps:
- .
Backlash compensation is only active after the axis has been Homed, and is zero at the end of the Home cycle. Backlash direction is dependent on the direction of the final move of the Home cycle; for example, if the final Home move is in the negative direction, only positive moves will use the BacklashDistance parameter.