To configure a Stepper Motor, use Machine Setup to initialize and adjust the servo gains that follow, found in Automation1 Studio under Configure > Axes > Servo > Gains:
- ServoLoopGainKpv =

- ServoLoopGainKiv =

- ServoLoopGainKip2 =

- ServoLoopGainKv =

- ServoLoopGainKip =

- Servo Update Rate = MotionUpdateRate * 1000
- You can find MotionUpdateRate in Automation1 Studio under Configure > Tasks > Motion > Trajectory Generation
- ServoLoopGainK =

- Crossover Frequency can be chosen arbitrarily, anywhere between 20Hz and 40Hz is a good starting point
- ServoLoopGainNormalizationFactor =

- Feedback Resolution is called PrimaryFeedbackResolution in Automation1 Studio, located under Configure > Axes > Feedback
- MotorPolePitch is equal to the Steps per Revolution, this can be found on your System Specification Sheet
- StepperMicrostepsPerStep can be found in Automation1 Studio, under Configure > Axes > Motor > Stepper
If you see accumulating position error from move to move, you may need to adjust StepperMotorMicroStepsPerStep:
- StepperMotorMicroStepsPerStep = (CountsPerUnit)*(360) / (MotorPolePitch)
- CountsPerUnit can be found in Automation1 Studio under Configure > Axes > Units.