
When attempting to connect to an Ensemble or Soloist controller the following error message appears: 


First, ensure that the Ensemble/Soloist controller is recognized by the software. Open Configuration Manager and navigate to Controller > Connection Settings.

If the controller DOES NOT appear on the left of the Connection Settings window or is greyed out (indicating a disconnected controller), the Ensemble/Soloist software is not recognizing the controller. The controller should appear in the Connection Settings window regardless of its network settings (IP address, Subnet Mask, etc.)

  1. Is the controller powered on? Check the green PWR LED or otherwise ensure that the controller is receiving power.
  2. Power cycle the controller.

    1. Reinstall the USB drivers for Ensemble/Soloist.
      1. For the Ensemble, the USB drivers are located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Aerotech\Ensemble\Drivers and Drivers64 (32 and 64-bit systems respectively).
        For the Soloist, the USB drivers are located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Aerotech\Soloist\Drivers and Drivers64 (32 and 64-bit systems respectively).
      2. Run the UsbInstall.exe application inside the Drivers/Drivers64 folder to reinstall the USB drivers. A black Command Box type window will appear momentarily. This should install the driver. You may have to disconnect the USB cable and reconnect it for the driver to be applied.
    2. Try connecting via Ethernet if possible.

    1. Ensure that any Ensemble/Soloist applications are allowed through the Windows firewall or any external security software. The Ensemble and Soloist controllers use UDP communication on ports 67, 1577, and 32835.
    2. Use a shielded Ethernet cable.
      1. Use a RJ-45 crossover cable if going directly from the controller to the PC. 
      2. Use a RJ-45 standard cable if going through a hub or switch.
    3. For the purposes of troubleshooting, connect directly from the PC to the Ensemble/Soloist controller if possible.
    4. Try a different Ethernet port on the PC. If you are using a dedicated Ethernet card, try a port on the motherboard.
    5. Try connecting the controller to a different PC.
    6. Try connecting via USB if possible.

If the controller DOES appear on the left of the Connection Settings window

  1. Make sure that the check box next to the controller is checked. This "maps" the controller. 
  2. Ensure that the controller's Network settings are correct. Using a static IP address is recommended.

    1. On the Network tab, select Use the following IP address and type in an IP address and Subnet Mask.
      For example:

      1. IP address:
      2. Subnet Mask:
    2. Leave the Default Gateway blank unless you know that this is necessary for your network.
    3. Click OK to save any changes made to the Connection Settings.

    4. In Windows 10:
      1. Open Control Panel and navigate to the Network and Sharing Center

      2. In the top left hand corner, select Change adapter settings

      3. Right-click on the Ethernet adapter that is connected to the Ensemble/Soloist controller
      4. Select Properties

      5. In the list of items, double-click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)

      6. Select Use the following IP address and type in an IP address and Subnet Mask that is on the same network as the controller's from step 2 (i.e. the Subnet Mask must be the SAME as the Subnet Mask in the Connection Settings window and the last number in the IP address must be DIFFERENT by at least 1).
        For example:
        1. IP address:
        2. Subnet Mask:
      7. Leave the Default Gateway blank unless you know that this is necessary for your network.

      8. Click OK to save the new network settings of the PC's Ethernet adapter.

If the controller connects successfully from Configuration Manager but DOES NOT connect from .NET, C, C#, C++, etc.

  1. Ensure that any custom applications are allowed through the Windows firewall or any external security software. The firewall/security software may need to be temporarily disabled as a general troubleshooting step to determine if a more specific rule or exception must be created.

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