When setting up PSO on a system for the first time, additional configuration for analog multiplier encoders is required. Because PSO is generated in hardware and can only track a digital square wave signal, it is necessary to first convert your analog encoder to a digital signal. This can be accomplished using the Emulated Quadrature feature, which generates a square wave signal internal to the drive. This can then be routed to the PSO electronics in the drive, or directly to an encoder output channel on the drive.
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of the following parameters, and how to configure them for generating PSO:
- Axis > Feedback > Multiplier > EmulatedQuadratureDivider parameter
- Axis > Feedback > Multiplier > EmulatedQuadratureChannel parameter (Additionally required for Ensemble LAB and A3200 Npaq only)
These instructions apply only to drives with -MXH or -MXR feedback options, or Automation1 drives in A3200 with multiplier options.
- Drives with the -MXU multiplier option cannot use analog encoders for PSO due to hardware limitations.
- Drives not using an encoder multiplier do not need this feature.
A3200, Ensemble, and Soloist software: All drives including Automation1 controllers
For most drives in these series, it's only necessary to configure the EmulatedQuadratureDivider parameter. However, it's necessary to select a Divider so that the rate of the quadrature generated doesn't exceed the maximum data rate of the hardware. If this is not done correctly, PSO may "skip" pulses or fail to generate pulses in the right positions. Here's how to configure the parameter for one axis, with an example to follow. You'll need to perform these steps for every axis involved in PSO.
First, we'll need to record four numbers from your parameter file and your system. We'll call these values A through D.
Value A:
Finishing Up:
Set the final value as the new EmulatedQuadratureDivider in your parameter file, then Save the file (A3200) or right-click and Send the parameters to your controller then Commit the parameters (Ensemble, Soloist).
Finally, when tracking an encoder signal using the PSOTRACK INPUT command, it's necessary to choose the correct source number to correspond with the emulated quadrature. Details on input numbers can be found in the "PSOTRACK Input Command" article in any Aerotech software's Help documentation.
- For A3200, Ensemble, and Soloist controllers this is usually the MXH (Analog Sine Wave) source number found in the Help article.
- For Automation1 drives used in the A3200 software, this source number is generally labeled as Primary Feedback or Axis 1 Encoder.
Additional steps for Ensemble LAB and A3200 Npaq
The Ensemble LAB and A3200 Npaq controllers, as multi-axis drive racks, are unique. These models have a single multiplier board used for all axes, but programmed on the first axis and produced from a single output. You must set the parameter EmulatedQuadratureChannel in order to send the emulated quadrature to a specific encoder channel.
Default encoder channels on these six-axis drive racks are 0 through 5. Emulated quadrature channels for these controller models are 6, 7, and 8. Assign the EmulatedQuadratureChannel as "To PSO Channel 6" on the first axis producing emulated quadrature for PSO, and use "To PSO Channel 7" and "To PSO Channel 8" for the second and third axes if needed.